Lower Egypt: Giza and Cairo
“Soldiers, from the top of the pyramids, forty centuries of history contemplate you”
(Napoleón Bonaparte)
The archaeological site of the pyramids of Giza, between which emphasize the one of Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure and Sphinx, located on the outskirts of Cairo, is undoubtedly one of the greatest attractions of Egypt, its imposing profile is the result of an enigmatic and dramatically advanced civilization whose buildings are still standing after 5000 years
Beside grows without stopping one of the largest cities of the world: Cairo, with over 19 million inhabitants. This city is a living example of the contradictions between tradition and modernity. Along the banks of the Nile and on the island of Zamalek, grow tall towers and modern hotels while not far from the center is the ancient and medieval Cairo. In this area of the city is the Bazaar Khan-el-Khalili with the Fishawy cafe, Islamic Cairo and some of the most important mosques and madrasas: Al-Azhar, Sultan Hassan or Mohamed Ali.